Day 2

 05/09/2023 - 7:45

I worked on my senior project for 4 and a half hours today, spread across the day. I worked for about 2 and a half hours this morning from 9 - 11:30 reading about what a learner's profile is and how to help students figure out what their individual learner's profiles are. I also started working on a lesson plan for the end of my Senior Project. I haven’t yet picked a topic but I do have a general sense of what the class will entail. I also spent an hour today shadowing Ben during G block. I listened to the same lecture that he gave yesterday, and I tried to just fact-check as we went along in case there were questions he wasn't prepared for. After he let the students start working individually we discussed the first chapter of Evolving Evolution, a text about teaching that Ben gave me to help me understand more about the profession. We also talked about my plan for Thursday, which is to look for some videos on a specific conspiracy so that Ben can show them to the class to reinforce their understanding of what they’re working on. This is also to gauge how well I can find a video of a proper length, that has the right amount of information. Finally, I worked for about an hour tonight from 6:30 - 7:30 on figuring out how to write an effective Offical Note by looking at ON’s my teachers have written about me. This is because I will be writing some mock ON’s later this week.

Hours Today: 4:30

Total Hours: 8:30


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